Virtual Pinball

Pinball video games

Pinball video games are almost as old as the video game itself. And even today, publishers regularly bring out tables directly inspired by the old glories of the 1990s, as well as completely off-the-wall games, which retain only the beaters and a marble as common features. Pinball Mag aims to democratize pinball in all its forms, so games on consoles, PC or virtual reality headsets have their place here.

Optimize your pinball video game experience

Without spending a fortune, it's possible to enhance your enjoyment and comfort on pinball video games. Here are a few ideas for affordable fun.

The history of pinball video game

From Video Pinball by Atari in 1980 to the most recent games, we retrace the history of these games that are inspired in one way or another by pinball. Unsurprisingly, as time goes by, the quality of these simulations improves, particularly in one key area: physics! A good pinball game must reproduce realistic ball trajectories.

Zen Studios, publisher of pinball video games

Zen Studios is the leading publisher of pinball video games. It owns the rights to produce games from the Bally/Williams licenses, and regularly releases high-fidelity tables on its Pinball FX platform. In addition, he invents original tables that don't exist on physical pinball machines. These are based on mass-market licenses such as Star Wars or Marvel. Here's an interview with Akos, Marketing Manager.