James Bond announced by Stern!

Stern Pinball is definitely the most adept at muddying the waters. For months, the Venom pinball was rumored to be the second model of the manufacturer in 2022, after the Rush license.
And finally, the teaser released on September 06 announces us a James Bond theme! Don’t think that Venom is buried, it would seem to be a reversal of the calendar. Venom would be released in 2023.

It seems that legendary George Gomez is the designer of this 007 table, which bodes well for the future. Moreover, the teaser soundtrack gives credence to the following rumor: it would be a theme inspired by the films of the 60s, and not the latest ones released. It would be based on the episodes played by Sean Connery, but opinions differ on whether it is only Goldfinger or several opuses.

For the occasion, Stern is announcing a new operation: some Limited Editions will be sold one week after the teaser, directly on their online store, and only for people with an “All Access” account at Stern Insider Connected. This access costs $39.99 per year. This is the first time that the manufacturer does not go through its distributors, a revolution in itself!

The first images of the machine should be released on Tuesday, September 13 at the latest, so be on the lookout!

Collector of friends who have pinball collections.

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