Lazarus and Nick_O present a game that they have entirely invented by themselves, of an absolute originality and without any external help! But for...
Lazarus, to help him to realize his videos, has just recruited a technician: Wormhole. But obviously, they have difficulty to understand each other. A...
It's sunday night and Lazarus decided to do a little horror movie remake. Not even afraid! He knows that remakes are not as good...
We have spent many hours on the new Pinball Brothers pinball machine: Alien, from the movies of the same name. And there is a...
The mod is to pinball what tuning is to cars: the border between good and bad taste is you !
A mod is an addition...
The space marine Lazarus is in trouble in space with aliens, will he manage to keep up with the most terrible of all: the...
For months the pinhead community has been asking itself this essential question: what will be the next pinball machine? Which designer is in charge,...
Your digital magazine dedicated to pinball launches its ultra short video format: the Extra ball of Pinball Mag !
In these videos we will highlight...
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