P3 Multimorphic : new table

Behind the barbaric name of P3 Multimorphic lies the most amazing innovation in the pinball world in recent years. For those who don’t know yet, it is a pinball machine with a two-part playfield. The part closest to the player is fixed and paved with a screen whose animation varies according to the game phases. The bottom of the playfield is interchangeable, and hosts the toys that make each game special.

Until now, this “platform” has offered 5 different tables. There are also simpler versions.

On November 21, 2022, P3 Multimorphic announced the release of a new module named Drained, in “third party” this time. “Third party” means that the product was not designed by the Multimorphic team but by a partner. This term can be found in video games on consoles, when the publisher of the game is not Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft.

This partner is called For Amusement Only Games, headed by Nicholas Baldridge. The designer had already collaborated on other Multimorphic tables.

This table seems particularly empty: a countless row of fixed targets, a bumper… All this should make sense once you put your hands on the machine, but the fun is not obvious. After that, the innovation is always confusing and can nevertheless prove to be long lasting. Let’s wait to see some gameplay.

For the record, the basic pinball machine costs, at the time of writing, $8,300. The Drained game costs $3,500, including the board background and magnetic backgrounds to customize the machine.

Collector of friends who have pinball collections.

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