The Extra ball | episode 2: what will be the next pinball machine ?

For months the pinhead community has been asking itself this essential question: what will be the next pinball machine? Which designer is in charge, who is doing the code, who is doing the artwork? Licensed or not ?

And above all, what theme? Several hypotheses have been put forward, all related to the world of cinema or series: Mortal Kombat, Godzilla, Back to the Future? Finally, it seems that The Mandalorian is in the pipeline.

In any case, this is what Kaneda, the controversial influencer and streamer, says. A pinfluencer, as we would say in our jargon. For a few days, he has been taunting his listeners, claiming that he is in the secrets of the gods. He went so far as to post a cropped image of a series, which Internet users recognized as belonging to the spin-off of Star Wars: The Mandalorian.

The multi award-winning streamer is putting his credibility on the line as he announces the name of the designer: Brian Eddy, who recently designed Stranger Things pinball, and long before that legendary machines like Medieval Madness and Indiana Jones: the pinball adventure.

That’s all it took to get us excited. Answer at the beginning of May !

Founder of Pinkult | Pinball Collector | Low Score Pinball Wizard

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