I don’t know what’s wrong with all these pinball manufacturers: nothing happened in January or February, and in March we’ll have a flood of new releases. We are told :
- Foo Fighters at Stern Pinball
- Galactic Tank Force at American Pinball
- A project with Scott Danesi at Multimorphic (not sure if it will arrive in March)
And now it’s Jersey Jack Pinball that lifts the veil a little bit on its next machine, also to be released in March. Many observers see it as a confirmation of the rumor about a Godfather pinball machine. If that’s the case, it’s a bad teaser:
- The quote doesn’t particularly refer to The Godfather
- The font has only a tenuous link with the one in the trilogy
- The background does not seem to evoke a memorable setting from the film
- The golden color ?

Some believe in the arrival of a Harry Potter pinball machine, hope rekindled by a photo of Jack Guarnieri, the founder of JJP, posing in front of 3 posters: Willy Wonka, Wizard of Oz… And Harry Potter. And as it is always possible to confirm what we want to believe, the table mentioned in the teaser would be one of those of the great hall of Hogwarts.

If Jack made on purpose to give a false lead, it is then a very bad operation of communication: to make hope Harry Potter to release something else can only disappoint. Even Don Corleone can’t compete with the scarred wizard.
In short, this teaser makes people talk, but it will only enlighten those who are certain.